Our Love Story - Part 2

So I left off last week with Miguel and I going off to different colleges. I thought I'd never see him again. Life has a funny way of proving us wrong sometimes. 

My favorite picture of us ever. We were such babies!

My favorite picture of us ever. We were such babies!

Fun Fact: Facebook used to be a lot creepier than it is now. 

One day in January, at the beginning of my second semester at New York University, I got a text from Alpa, my best friend, that said something along the lines of, "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! Have you checked Facebook today!?" I hadn't, so the first thing I did was log on. Right there, at the very top of my newsfeed, were the words "Miguel Mejias and K (Name Redacted) have ended their relationship. As if Facebook needs to broadcast everyone's personal life to the whole world. But hey, it is what it is. 

Alpa pushed me to find out what had happened because she was curious (read: nosey) and figured I knew him a little better than she did. To be fair, Miguel and I had spoken a handful of times since high school. One time sticks out so clearly in my mind.

My college roommate at NYU, Laura, had also gone to high school with Miguel and I. One day, as I was on a Skype call with Miguel, Laura said, "If he and K ever break up, you give him my number." I laughed and said "ok," but inside I was thinking, "If he and K ever break up, he's mine." So, I did what any nosey 18 year old would do. I messaged him on Facebook. 

A day has not passed since where we have not spoken to each other.

Our Love Story - Part 1

How We Met

Hello lovely people! Since what I love to do is capture the love of my couples, I thought it fitting to start a series on my blog called "Our Love Story." Every Sunday, I will share a part of my love story with my husband Miguel. I hope you enjoy!

The first photo of us that exists.

The first photo of us that exists.

Miguel and I met our junior year of high school at Cypress Falls High School in Houston, Texas. He was 16, and I was 15. We were in Mr. Hallmark's 4th period pre-calculus class, and I couldn't stand him. (Side note, Mr. Hallmark was the best math teacher on the planet). We didn't really speak that much that year. Fast forward to senior year, and we were both in a class called BCIS (Business Computer Information Systems). While we still like to think of ourselves as young, the fact that this class was required for graduation for us proves otherwise. It was a super simple computer course. On day one we learned where the power button was. On day two we were allowed to press it. 

Most kids at our high school were smart and got this class out of the way freshman year. Not us! We were procrastinators. As a result, we were two of only three seniors in that class, and the three of us stuck together like glue. We would finish the entire week's work on Monday and spend the rest of the week hanging out and sometimes helping the freshmen. Sometime during that year, I developed a crush on Miguel. Too bad he had a girlfriend. 

The school year ended, we went off to different colleges, and I thought I would never see him again. Life is funny that way.