Instax 365 Challenge Week 8

Not too much was happening this week. It mostly consisted of editing and following up with leads from the past week’s wedding show. This week was also featured another panic moment when I woke up one morning and realized I forgot to post the previous day’s picture. I usually take the picture whenever inspiration strikes, and then in the evening when I’m home and have the ability to write out the date and day on the photo, I do that and then upload it. Well, for Day 53, I had to post it on Day 54 because, as you’ll see, I was a bit distracted.

Day 50 (2/19/19)

Instax 365 Challenge

I’m really loving just how well the Instax Neo 90 Classic captures shadows, and especially nature shots. As I’ve said in the past, I do think that the macro and focus leave a little to be desired, but overall I think the camera does perform solidly for what it is. The color on this plant is unique and reminds me of the photo from Day 6 despite it being a different plant altogether.

Day 51 (2/20/19)

Instax 365 Challenge

This little decoration lives in my mother-in-law’s house. I was having a pretty good day overall, and his jolly, little face made me smile. He looks proud of his job, and now that I’ve seen that proud smile, I can’t interpret it as any other kind. I think I can see why my mother-in-law keeps him around.

Day 52 (2/21/19)

Instax 365 Challenge

I was waiting for Amanda to get in the car when I looked at the steering wheel and thought this might make a good photo. Like I said above, the Instax Neo 90 Classic can leave some things to be desired, and in this case it is the overly powerful flash. There is a button to lighten/darken an image, but it is really hard to tell how a photo will turn out until you snap the picture. Once you’ve done that you can then adjust accordingly, but that isn’t in line with my 365 Challenge here. I’m going to have to dedicate a week to trying out each setting and seeing how that goes.

Day 53 (2/22/19)

Instax 365 Challenge

Ahhhh, the picture that was forgotten. I took this picture and then I decided to jump right back into my childhood and play these games. I stayed up way too late and totally forgot about posting the picture. I woke up on the 23rd and instantly realized my mistake. Curse you nostalgia!

Day 54 (2/23/19)

Instax 365 Challenge

We received our new business cards this day and they had to be delivered into the package box instead of the regular mailbox. I wanted to see how the image would look if I allowed the camera to flash with all the (what I think is probably) aluminum walls. I was surprised the light didn’t bounce as badly as I expected, and ultimately I like the shot. As I joked in my captions and hashtags for the picture, it looks like the inside of a safe to me.

Day 55 (2/24/19)

Instax 365 Challenge

Amanda and I spent the majority of our day in Tampa. We turned it into kind of a date day as we were really there for business adjacent things, but then extended it out to include and nice lunch and chat over boba tea. Tampa has one of my top 2 favorite tea shops, and I look for any and every excuse to go visit and take Amanda. Anyways, back to the picture of the Ramada Inn. Our business adjacent business brought us here for a presentation to see if we could better our services. I am a little surprised at how dark the image came out though because this picture was taken at noon on a very bright day.

Day 56 (2/25/19)

Instax 365 Challenge

Remember earlier when I said the Instax Neo 90 Classic does a great job at catching nature well? Well, here is another example. The colors have a great contrast to them and shadows are nice and deep. Originally, I wanted to take a picture of just the broken branch and preferably looking down straight on it, but… I was too short. I changed up my angle and despite it not being what I originally envisioned, I’m happy that we get to see a little bit of the sky popping through.

Favorite photo of the week:

Day 54. There is something about how simple this photo is that I really like. It isn’t busy, it isn’t overly fancy. It just look really simple and clean. And, in honor of the simplicity of that photo, I’m gonna leave this area really simple too by leaving my justification at that.

Make sure to check in on my Instagram (@miguel.mejias.florabloom)  to see more of the Instax 365 Challenge as I upload a each day’s photo. If you want to see more of our images, check out Amanda’s Instagram (@florabloomphotography), and if you’d like to reach out to us, be sure to do so here!