Our Love Story - Part 6

Our Love Story is a series. Click here to see parts 1-5.

Us on the beach at Miguel's parent's condo.

Us on the beach at Miguel's parent's condo.

Ah, our time at FSU. It was here that we really grew up together. When we started dating, we were teenagers. Just 18 years old. When we graduated from college in December of 2011, we were 21 and about to start "real" jobs and be "real" adults. Truth be told, nothing terribly interesting happened between 18 and 21. There was some drama, as can be expected, with Miguel's ex, but nothing too serious looking back. 

On our first anniversary, Miguel gave me a beautiful promise ring. I'm slightly obsessed with hearts, as he knew, and so the ring had 3 hearts on it. I promptly lost it three months later on a trip to Disney World. The fact that he wasn't upset with me for even a second should tell you all you need to know about how awesome he is. I, however, am STILL upset. I wish I still had that ring, but at least that was no omen for how our relationship would work out.

Honestly, nothing really interesting happened for us at FSU. We went to a lot of football games. We made some good friends. We graduated! In January of our Junior year, we adopted a mini dachshund puppy named Dash. 

Look at those ears!

Look at those ears!

Quite a few of our friends who were in serious relationships ended up getting engaged just before their last semester in college. I thought we would be the same. Spoiler alert: we weren't. On our second anniversary, I thought he might propose. On our third, I was sure he would. He didn't. But I wouldn't change it for the world. 

After graduation, we moved to Orlando, Florida. In my head, that's where our life together really began.